Monday, February 6, 2012

Mothers-in-Law: The Butt of Jokes or a Best Friend?

Yes the wedding is more than a year off. But I'm working on adjusting to the idea that Leah will be married. Slowly, too, I'm coming around to the realization that I will be someone's mother-in-law. Leah and I have been thick as thieves but that's about to change. Remember from a previous post? Out with Team Kee and in with Team Kovac.

So what do mothers-in-law do anyway?
I typed "What do mothers-in-law do?" into the Google box today and well you can only imagine the results. Lots of jokes at the top of the list. There were 99,500,000 results! Some are too mean-spirited to reprint here. But this one will give you the gist:

Q: What's the ideal weight for a MIL (shorthand for mother-in-law)?
A: About 2.3 pounds, including the urn.

Yuck, yuck. (Pun intended.)

There was even a book called "Mothers-in-Law Do Everything Wrong" with the subtitle M.I.L.D.E.W.
I've also consulted a few of my male friends. The general consensus? Maintain a safe distance. It can't be that bad, can it?

Any advice? Send me funny M.I.L. stories if you're so inclined.

1 comment:

  1. This is very funny! Loved your prior posts! Go Team Kee and Team Kovac. Looks like you have lots to look forward to in 2012 and into 2013. Can't wait to read more! SW
